// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

Cheat Point Blank 27 Oktober 2011 Cheat WH + Replace Weapon Update Point Blank

the latest is Cheat Point Blank 27 Oktober 2011 Cheat WH + Replace Weapon Update Point Blank  . Previously it has been my blog post: Cheat Point Blank 27 Oktober 2011 Cheat WH + Replace Weapon Update Point Blank  ,That is the Cheat yesterday. And now I'll Cheat Point Blank 27 Oktober 2011 Cheat WH + Replace Weapon Update Point Blank . please refer to + download cheat point blank 2011 these cool ones:
cheat point blank

See also:
cheat point blank terbaru

Cheat PB 27 Oktober 2011 Update Cheat Point Blank WH + Replace Weapon 27102011 Terbaru
- WallHack
- Replace weapon
- Ghost
- Ammo
- Ninja

- Show/Off menu = Insert
- Wh & Replace = D3D menu
- Ghost = Home/End
- Ammo = Capslock
- Ninja = Shift+W
- Jangan lupa klik IKLAN.

- Aktifkan cheat saat main aja, Off kan sebelum pertandingan usai.

Cara Pakai:
- Buka Cheat
- Start PB
- Hilangkan notice dengan ENTER
- Biarkan saja sampai loading PB selesai, dan masukan ID dg password pb kamu baru boleh gerakkan mouse.


Thanks to:
- SISTER 32 [Private Group]™

- Randa th

[-]Kalau BT coba gunakan metode Flashdisk
[-]Harus install Net Framework dan Vcredist_x86
[-]Download D3DX9_38.dll

Free Download Cheat Point Blank 27 Oktober 2011 Cheat WH + Replace Weapon Update Point Blank

Download File Download File Cheat PB

READ MORE » Cheat Point Blank 27 Oktober 2011 Cheat WH + Replace Weapon Update Point Blank

Cheat PB Hack V 4.8 Revisi 4.7 Special Cheat Replace Weapon 24 + Cheat Headshot + Cheat Darah + Ghost + Magnet + Ammo Global + WH dan Fullhack Dewa Fitur

the latest is Cheat PB Hack V 4.8 Revisi 4.7 Special Cheat Replace Weapon 24 + Cheat Headshot + Cheat Darah + Ghost + Magnet + Ammo Global + WH dan Fullhack Dewa Fitur . Previously it has been my blog post: Cheat PB Hack V 4.8 Revisi 4.7 Special Cheat Replace Weapon 24 + Cheat Headshot + Cheat Darah + Ghost + Magnet + Ammo Global + WH dan Fullhack Dewa Fitur ,That is the Cheat yesterday. And now I'll Cheat PB Hack V 4.8 Revisi 4.7 Special Cheat Replace Weapon 24 + Cheat Headshot + Cheat Darah + Ghost + Magnet + Ammo Global + WH dan Fullhack Dewa Fitur. please refer to + download cheat point blank 2011 these cool ones:
cheat point blank

See also:
cheat point blank terbaru

Downloads Cheat : 
Downloads Password :

  Fitur Hack

-->> WH Glases/Bersih
-->> WH Dino
-->> Chams Police
-->> Chams teroris
-->> No Smoking
-->> Croshair
-->> Ammo unlimited
-->> Defuse&pasang Bom 0 Detik
-->> Ghost
-->> Aim Cheat Headhsot
-->> Magnet
-->> Cheat Lari
-->> Cheat Darah
-->> Ammo Global
-->> Replace Weapapon 24 Weapon To Update ++/Penambahan SG Puter

Hotkeys :

-->> On kan Cheat (->)
-->> Offkan Cheat (<-)
-->> Pilih Menu  Atas & Bawah
-->> Tutup Menu Home

Cara pakai Replace 2 senjata dalam 1 Room ,

-Misal kita pilih Aug ma Kriss SVD,,On kan 2,2 nya seperti SS di atas

"Tutorial " 
-->>Buka Cheat
-->>Masukan Password
-->>  Buka Pb Launcher
-->>Start Pb nya
-->>  Auto Inject
-->>keluar Notice
-->>  Untuk Menghilangkan Notice nya Jangan Di Klik
-->>Tekan Enter pda notice

Credits Base  :

Building :


READ MORE » Cheat PB Hack V 4.8 Revisi 4.7 Special Cheat Replace Weapon 24 + Cheat Headshot + Cheat Darah + Ghost + Magnet + Ammo Global + WH dan Fullhack Dewa Fitur

Cheat PB V 4.7 Special Replace + Full Dewa +wh(k1 ,jadi AUG , sg gosong jadi spas) + Enemy Kick + Brust Awp + Brust Mp 7 Point + Ammo global

the latest is Cheat PB V 4.7 Special Replace + Full Dewa +wh(k1 ,jadi AUG , sg gosong jadi spas) + Enemy Kick + Brust Awp + Brust Mp 7 Point + Ammo global . Previously it has been my blog post: Cheat PB V 4.7 Special Replace + Full Dewa +wh(k1 ,jadi AUG , sg gosong jadi spas) + Enemy Kick + Brust Awp + Brust Mp 7 Point + Ammo global ,That is the Cheat yesterday. And now I'll Cheat PB V 4.7 Special Replace + Full Dewa +wh(k1 ,jadi AUG , sg gosong jadi spas) + Enemy Kick + Brust Awp + Brust Mp 7 Point + Ammo global . please refer to + download cheat point blank 2011 these cool ones:
cheat point blank

See also:
cheat point blank terbaru

Downloads Cheat : 
Downloads password : 

  Fitur Hack
->>> WH Bersih
->>> WH Teroris
->>> WH Police
->>> No Asap
->>> X- Hair Shot
->>> Replace Weapon (27 Weapon To Up Replace)
    -k1,k2,all weapon jadi (Aug , ak sopmod ,kris ,famas,snipe, magnum,dll)
    -SG Gosong ALl SG Jadi SG Spas
->>> Brust AWP , Spas Point
->>> Ammo Global
->>>Vote All User Pb (Enemy Vote frezze)
keys Hack
->>> Inser On/Off menu Full replace
->>>On Cheat (->)
->>>Off Cheat(<-)
->>>Brust Awp +mp7(Clue Hotkey deket numlock)
->>> Ammo Global (Clue Hotkeys Deket Shift kiri)
->>>Enemy Kick(Bisa kick Semua Pemain di Room ) (Clue Keys Sangat Rahasia)
       (Cari ja gak mungkin luar dari keyboard)
->>>Replace Weapon Tinggal Pilih Di Menu nya
Cara replace 
-Pilih Server
-ke lobby , pilih room
-Masuk Room 
-Pilih senjata yang kamu inginkan (On kan dengan cara tekan arah panah kanan)
 Tara Kamu bisa pakai senjata gonta gnti,,
Cara Pakai Enemy Kick
-Pilih Server
-Ke Lobby
-masuk room
-Klik nama Yg mau di kick  , tinggal tekan hotkeys,,
UCapkan selamat tinggal pda mereka,,,wkwkwk
Untuk Yang lain cara pemkaian seperti biasa tinggal on kan dimana saja work,,,!

Cara gunakan cheat (Newbie Cheater)
->>> Buka Pb launcher
->>>Buka Cheat/inject , masukan passwor yg kamu downloads
->>>Start PB
->>> Happy cheating ,
Support Windws XP
Credit : 
Andrie Casablanca
Thanks To All Private group

READ MORE » Cheat PB V 4.7 Special Replace + Full Dewa +wh(k1 ,jadi AUG , sg gosong jadi spas) + Enemy Kick + Brust Awp + Brust Mp 7 Point + Ammo global

Cheat Pb_V 4.6 Special Cheat Darah + Anti Vote Kick + Ammo Global + Magnet + Ghost + Ninja Mode + Cheat lari Update To Up Menten

the latest is Cheat Pb_V 4.6 Special Cheat Darah + Anti Vote Kick + Ammo Global + Magnet + Ghost + Ninja Mode + Cheat lari Update To Up Menten . Previously it has been my blog post: Cheat Pb_V 4.6 Special Cheat Darah + Anti Vote Kick + Ammo Global + Magnet + Ghost + Ninja Mode + Cheat lari Update To Up Menten ,That is the Cheat yesterday. And now I'll Cheat Pb_V 4.6 Special Cheat Darah + Anti Vote Kick + Ammo Global + Magnet + Ghost + Ninja Mode + Cheat lari Update To Up Menten . please refer to + download cheat point blank 2011 these cool ones:
cheat point blank

See also:
cheat point blank terbaru

Downloads Cheat : 
Downloads password : 

Tutorial PB

<<<>>> Buka Pb launcher
<<<>>> Buka Cheat/Inject
<<<>>> Masukan passnya
<<<>>> Start PB
<<<>>> Keluar notice
<<<>>> happy Cheating

Aktifin Cheat Di Mana saja

Credit : 

READ MORE » Cheat Pb_V 4.6 Special Cheat Darah + Anti Vote Kick + Ammo Global + Magnet + Ghost + Ninja Mode + Cheat lari Update To Up Menten

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